8th – 10th September 2022
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Thursday, 8th September 2022
19:00 Welcome reception
Terace Molina
Friday, 9th September 2022
9:00 Opening and welcome
Orlando hall
9:15 Presentation
Appeal of conscience and WMA International Code of Medical Ethics
Dr Ramin Parsa-Parsi
09:30 Presentation
Importance and role of public health medicine in healthcare workforce planning
Goran Pavić, FMC FBIH
09:45 National reports 1
Key features of disciplinary procedures in the Chamber
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Working session 1 cont.
Key features of disciplinary procedures in the Chamber
13:00 Lunch in hotel restaurant
14:00 Working session 2
Appeal of conscience for doctors
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 pm Working session 2 cont.
Appeal of conscience for doctors
19:00 Gala dinner
Terace Molina
Saturday, 10th September 2022
9:00 Working session 3
Current challenges in hospital system
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Working session 3 cont.
Current challenges in hospital system
12:30 Discussion about possible future meeting topic
Proposals for the next host
Closing of the 29th ZEVA meeting
12:30 Lunch in hotel restaurant
16:30 Meeting
Sheraton Hotel Riviera Dubrovnik
17:00 Cruise to the Old Town/Dubrovnik Sightseeing
1. Key features of disciplinary procedures in the Chamber
- Who initiates proceedings and represents the plaintiff on behalf of the Chamber before the disciplinary body (court)?
- Is there a special prosecutor office or official body inside the Chamber in charge soly for initiating the proceedings?
- What kind of disciplinary measures are foreseen?
- Does work under supervision exists as disciplinary measure?
- Organisation of the body (court) that renders the decision in disciplinary proceedings:
- What are professional qualifications of members?
- Are members of the body (court) permanent or „ad hoc“ councils are established for each individual case?
- Can legal remedies against the body (court) decision be filed and what are they;
- Is there a possibility of disputing the decision before the state court? E.g. in Croatia the decision can be disputed before the administrative court.
- Secrecy of the procedure
- Are minutes and decisions of the disciplinary bodies publicly available?
- Are personal data of doctors who have been subject to a disciplinary measure publicly announced?
- Is there a possibility of mediation between the parties within the disciplinary procedure?
2. Appeal of conscience for doctors
- Applicable national regulations?
- Protocols for applying appeal of conscience?
- Chamber position?
- Impact on healthcare accessibility?
- Discrimination possibility?
- Impact on human resource management?
3. Current challenges in hospital system
- Present National hospital organisation scheme
- Is there any national/regional accreditation process for hospitals?
- What is chamber position in accreditation process?
- On what basis are financed hospitals in national scheme:
- DRG system?
- History budgets?
- Other model?
- What are retaining measures for young doctors after residency?
- Is there proposed or ongoing reform of organisation scheme?
Meeting venue:
Sheraton Dubrovnik Riviera Hotel