11th – 12th September 2015
Tirana, Albania
Friday, 11th September 2015
Opening and welcome
Welcome speech
Dr. Fatmir Brahimaj, President of OPA
Welcome speech
Minister of Health of The Republic Of Albania
Working session 1
Cross-border recognition of CME/CPD
Case studies of the Chambers of Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia
Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists
Case studies of the Chambers of Bavaria and Bolzano/South Tyrol and Austria
Dr Max Kaplan, Vice-president of the German Medical Association
National reports 1
Dr Fatmir Brahimaj, President of the Order of physicians of Albania
Dr Reiner Brettenthaler, Officer for European & International Affairs, Austrian Medical Chamber
National report Bosnia-Herzegovina: Federal Medical Chamber
Prim Dr Goran Pavić, Chair of the Commission for international collaboration
Federal Medical Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Working session 2
Mobile health: Challenges for healthcare
Dr. Ramin Parsa-Parsi, German Medical Association
National reports 2
National report Bosnia- Herzegovina: Republika Srpska
Prof. Dr Nebojša Jovanić, President of the Republic of Srpska Medical Association
The Bulgarian Medical Association
Dr Max Kaplan, Vice-president of the German Medical Association
Working session 3
Vaccination: The role of medical chambers and physicians/ Communication between the chambers, their members and the public
The case of Albania
Asc Prof Arjan Harxhi (Order of Physicians of Albania)
Ivan Raguž MD, Croatian Medical Chamber
National reports III
Ivan Raguž MD, Croatian Medical Chamber
National report Czech Republic
Milan Kubek, President of the Czech Medical Chamber
National reports IV
National report Hungary
National report Kosovo
National report Macedonia
Saturday, 12th September 2015
National reports V
National report Montenegro
National report Poland
Dr. Grzegorz Mazur, Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists
National report Romania
Romanian College of Physicians
National report Serbia
National reports VI
National report Slovak Republic
Slovak Medical Chamber
The Medical Chamber of Slovenia
Urdhri i Mjekëve të Shqipërise
Order of Physicians of Albania
Rr. Belul Hatibi - Poliklinika Nr. 10 Tiranë
+355 4 2 340 458 / + 355 4 2 340592
albmedorder[at]albmail.com / kkumsh[at]gmail.com