Oda E Mjekëve Të Kosovës

UCCK, Institute A, 3rd floor, Prishtina, Kosovo

+383 49 872 300

The Kosovo Doctors Chamber was established in 2013.

Membership is obligatory for all physicians in Kosovo and up to date, there are 5343 active physicians as members (2024).



  • Approval of the code of professional ethics (code of ethics)
  • Registration and maintenance of the registry of health professionals and co-workers, and all healthcare institutions
  • Issuance of licenses to healthcare professionals, re-licensing and revocation of licenses
  • Implementation of professional supervision through the engagement of experts of corresponding fields
  • Monitoring of the legal functioning of institutions under Articles 35, 36, 37 and 38 of the Law on Health
  • Cooperation with state authorities addressing the issues of healthcare and cooperation with other professional associations in the country and abroad
  • Supervision of the professional healthcare and legal performance of healthcare professionals
  • Planning and implementation of the continuous professional education
  • Intermediation in disputes between members of the Chambers and users of healthcare services
  • Organization of courts of honour regarding determination of the violations and professional obligations of members of the Chamber, and imposition of disciplinary measures;
  • Determination of the membership fee for the members of the Chamber
  • Determination of the fee for licensing, re-licensing and other permits for the exercising of professional activities based on legal authorizations
  • Issuance of ID cards and ID numbers for the members of the Chamber
  • At the request of members of the Chamber, issues certificates, certifications and other documents based on the official evidence of the Chamber
  • Represents and defends the professional interests of members of the Chamber in exercising of the profession;
  • Takes care for the maintenance of the authority of members of the Chamber in exercising the professional works in conformity with professional ethics;
  • Maintains the registry of members of the Chamber exercising public, private and public-private healthcare activity and who are registered in the registry of the competent authority in conformity with the law;
  • Cooperates in the preparation of laws, documents and other bylaws in the sector of healthcare and supervises their implementation;
  • Proposes and initiates procedures for the issuance of general and special acts in conformity with the Law, Statute and other acts of the Chamber;
  • Determination of the pricelist of healthcare services in cooperation with the Health Insurance Fund and users of healthcare services;
  • Cooperates with the health sector in the drafting of schedules for continuous professional education for doctors;
  • Implements scientific and research activities in conformity with the duties and responsibilities of the Chamber;
  • Represents the professional and social interests of doctors;
  • Consultation, providing help and representation of the interests of members of the Chamber in the field of legislation and in other fields related to healthcare;
  • Participates in decision-taking in entering of contracts with the Healthcare Insurance Fund;
  • Establishes and manages the fund of the Chamber;
  • Cooperates with relevant institutions in the prevention of illegal healthcare activities;
  • Prepares and issues forms and documents as well as magazines, books and other publications;
  • Promotes the cooperation between the members of the Chamber;
  • Implements other activities in accordance with the law, this Statute and other general acts of the Chamber.




  • The minimum duration of study for acquiring a medical degree is 6 years
  • The university defines the content of basic medical training


  • Specialty training takes place at university hospital, under the supervision of appointed educators and mentors
  • Certificates for specialty training are issued by the Medical Faculty
  • Specialty qualifications from abroad are also recognized by the Kosovo Doctors Chamber


  • CME and CPD are mandatory in Kosovo.
  • The Kosovo Doctors Chamber is responsible for regulating CME/CPD.
  • Relicensing is required every 5 years, and physicians must accumulate 100 training points.