The Croatian Medical Chamber was established in its current form in 1995. Membership is obligatory for all physicians in Croatia.
Representing and defending the professional interests of physicians
Protecting the general public in terms of the quality, content and type of health services available
Issuing the Codex of Medical Ethics and Deontology, professional oversight of physicians and rendering decisions in the event of code violations
Participating and giving opinions on regulations and bills (laws) relevant to the development of the health profession and health system
Organising and supervising the continuing medical education of its members
Maintaining a register of all members
Issuing, renewing and revoking licenses for the independent work of its members
Advocating and protecting the interests of its members in negotiations with the Institute for Health Insurance
Encouraging co‑operations between members and arbitrating in disputes
Determining physician fees in private practice
Publishing the professional journal
The minimum duration of study for acquiring a medical degree is 6 years / 12 semesters / 5,500 hours
The Ministry of Science, Education and Sports University Senate de fines the content of basic medical training
The Ministry of Health defines the content of specialty training
Specialty training takes place in clinical hospitals and other healthcare institutions by authorised trainers
Certificates for specialty training are issued by the Ministry of Health
Specialty qualifications from abroad are also recognised by the Ministry of Health
CME and CPD are compulsory in Croatia
The Croatian Medical Chamber is responsible for CME/CPD regulations
Physicians who accumulate 120 credits within 6 years are eligible for recertification
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