Ljekarska komora F BiH

Aska Borića br. 28 Zenica 72000
+387 (0) 35 257 262

Since the signing of the Dayton Agreement in 1995, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been divided into two entities: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, comprised of 10 cantons with a primarily Croat and Bosniak population, and the Republic of Srpska, the population of which mainly consists of ethnic Serbs, and. In addition to these two regions, there is also a superordinate central government.

The medical profession is also arranged according to this political framework. Each entity has its medical association, though the Federation's medical chamber is an aggregation of local cantonal chambers of physicians.

Since healthcare is the responsibility of the cantons, physicians are organized in local cantonal chambers of physicians.

The Federal Medical Chamber of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established in 2012 and designed to facilitate exchange among local chambers and with the Republic of Srpska Medical Association, as well as to serve as a point of contact for the government of the Federation.

Federal Medical Chamber of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FMC) is an organization that brings together more than 6000 doctors of medicine (2024). Many of them acquired additional knowledge and skills not only in Europe but also worldwide. It includes experts from different health fields who work in public and private health institutions, at universities across the country and region, and also members of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the European Academy of Sciences, as well.

FMC cooperates with all relevant participants: government, universities, professional associations, and non-governmental organizations. In this way, it creates a significant network, whose goal is to contribute to the protection of human health on a global level.

FMC has excellent cooperation with professional associations and organizations in the field of health, such as the Chamber of Nurses, dentists, but also pharmaceutical companies from both domestic and foreign markets. Several associations of medical students are faithful partners of FMC and are active members of the community that participate in various citizen education projects, as well as every research project done by FMC. We work closely with public and private universities in BiH, while three largest health care institutions in BiH represent a scientific and teaching base for a significant number of Chamber members.

FMC is actively participating in the reform of the health system in our country. Our goals are faster and simpler employment of young doctors, greater availability of health care to citizens - affordable, preventive and curative health care system which is of high quality and safe. One of our main objectives is to educate citizens about the importance of protection against infectious diseases such as SARS COV 2 and the importance of vaccination, as well.



FMC establishes and perform the following tasks:

  • common criteria for licensing members of cantonal chambers;
  • keep a register of their members;
  • content and layout of the register of licensed chamber members for the federal and cantonal chambers;
  • maintains a unique register of licensed members of cantonal chambers;
  • the way and conditions for managing new health technologies;
  • the common content of professional training, deadlines and the procedure for checking the expertise that the healthcare worker has achieved as a part of the professional training;
  • adapt a code of medical ethics and deontology, monitor and supervise its implementation, and take appropriate measures in case of their violation;
  • give expert opinions when preparing regulations that have an impact on the development of the health profession;
  • organize additional training in order to expand activities within the profession in terms of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods … etc.



  • The minimum duration of study for acquiring a medical degree is 6 years
  • The Ministry of Education and the universities define the content of basic medical training


  • The Ministry of Health defines the content of specialty training
  • Teaching hospitals organise training programmes for both undergraduate and postgraduate medical students
  • Training in family medicine, the role of physicians in society, public health, occupational medicine and addiction takes place at the offices for public health, offices for occupational medicine, offices for addictive diseases and healthcare centres which fulfill the necessary requirements
  • Certificates for specialty training are issued by the Ministry of Health
  • Specialty qualifications from abroad are recognised by the Ministry of Health


  • CME and CPD are compulsory in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • The Commission for Education and experts from healthcare institutions are responsible for CME/CPD regulations.